2011年4月24日 星期日

Excel VBA 自動登入網站

需要先引入 Microsoft HTML Objects 和 Microsoft Internet Controls
   1: Sub login()
   2:     Dim loginID As String
   3:     Dim loginPW As String
   4:     loginID = "myid"
   5:     loginPW = "mypw"
   7:     Dim ie As InternetExplorer
   8:     Dim doc As HTMLDocument
   9:     Dim element As IHTMLElementCollection
  10:     Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
  11:     ie.navigate ("http://www.saveonbook.com/post/post.jsp?active=0")
  12:     ie.Visible = True
  13:     Do Until ie.readyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
  14:         DoEvents
  15:     Loop
  16:     Set doc = ie.document
  17:     Set element = doc.getElementsByName("LoginPA")
  18:     element.Item(0).Value = loginID
  19:     Set element = doc.getElementsByName("PasswordPA")
  20:     element.Item(0).Value = loginPW
  21:     Set element = doc.getElementsByName("img23")
  22:     element.Item(0).Click
  23: End Sub

1 則留言:

匿名 提到...

Hi there,
What if the button has no name but value and onclick.
How do I click the button?